
Amsterdam – Dec 23, 2021 The Board of I-SEC International today announces the appointment of Andrea Gebbeken as Chief Operating Officer, effective February 1, 2022. In her role, Gebbeken will be responsible for the overall operations within the I-SEC Group and will work with I-SEC’s subsidiary managers and the I-SEC International Management Team.

Gebbeken joins I-SEC from Munich Airport, where she worked as Chief Commercial Officer. In this role, she was in charge of developing business units and subsidiaries such as Group Security, Quality, IT & Digitalisation and the airport retail and catering  activities.

Gebbeken has over 20 years of management experience with a successful track record in senior positions in challenging environments like transport infrastructure and mergers & acquisitions. Previously, she also headed the regional unit North of  Deutsche Bahn Station & Service AG and worked as Chief Executive Officer at Tirana International Airport (Albania).

I-SEC International has become a key player in the aviation security markets in the Netherlands, Germany and Spain and also has passenger and cargo security operations in Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Japan and South-Korea.

I-SEC International Security B.V
Walaardt Sacrestraat 425-5
1117 BM Schiphol-Oost The Netherlands
P +31 20 7163410/20
F +31 20 716 3411
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Unsere Mitglieder

AWIAS Aviation Services GmbH
FMSicherheit Flughafen München Sicherheit GmbH
ICTS Deutschland GmbH
FraSec Aviation Security GmbH
Securitas GmbH Aviation Service International
STI Security Training International GmbH
Pond Security Werkschutz GmbH
DSW Deutscher Schutz- und Wachdienst GmbH + Co. KG
EASC European Aviation Security Center e.V.
DIAS GmbH - Deutsches Institut für Ausbildung und Sicherheit
VSD Victory Sicherheitsdienste GmbH
LWS security Landshuter Wach- und Schließ GmbH
IWS Industrie-Werkschutz GmbH
Klüh Security GmbH
KÖTTER Airport Security GmbH
I-SEC Deutsche Luftsicherheit SE & Co. KG
Nürnberger Wach- und Schließgesellschaft mbH
All Service Sicherheitsdienste GmbH
GATE Aviation GmbH
FraSec Fraport Security Services GmbH
FraSec Fraport Security Services GmbH
FraSec Services GmbH
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